Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Panoramic picture from the I am Joplin event

wow this is small...click on it too see it...better yet print this bad boy out and put it across town...print dimensions are 11inches by 83 inches wide.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Am Joplin T-shirts

Color Coordinated to show separation between the three age groups.  The whole event was coordinated around these colors.

Navigation/ Schedule for I Am Joplin Event

I prepared a visual for when people arrive at the fields, so they know where to park and where to be when it all is happening.
schedule of events


More Billboards

So they sent me the update on the billboards for the I Am Joplin event that is going on today from 6:30-10pm in Joplin.  Some big news people from ABC are going to be there I think.  Pretty cool stuff.  It was a lot of fun creating the visuals for this event.

Location 1

Location 2

location 2

location 2

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New poster for I Am Joplin

Closer now to the event The crew needed something solid to bring in the peeps of JOMO.  
QR code was created to create hype by the younger generation allowing them to look at the flyer and send it to their friends.