Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wolf and Wolverine Rap Battle

The Wolf and the Wolverine are in a battle to play SXSW this year, so we entered a competition with Spicy Evolution Music.  On their Facebook they announced that 2 bands that create a 30 second rap about why they or the band they are representin' would get to hit the stage during SXSW.  We saw this and took a stab at it.  Feel free to stop by and cheer us on, on their Facebook.  They will choose the winners on Tuesday Feb. 28th.  We are heading down to SXSW either way so it should be quite an adventure.

here is the video

Here is the link to Spicy Evolution Music's Page in case you want to cheer us on :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

PS Vita

This ad campaign kinda scares me.  I'm not much of a gamer, but I feel as if they aren't asking, but demanding me not to quit playing video games...I'm the kind of guy that says "I will cuz I want to, not because you're telling me to" so this ad is basically making me not want to join in on this for the mere fact of demand.

Plus the actual TV spot states that you can play on your TV and then take it on the go with this new game console.  To me it is like they are saying "Hey we are an addiction, so we'll help feed the fire" How bout you play games when you have nothing else to do at your house and when you leave you go enjoy the presence of friends family, outdoor activities and other things that make life grand...Am I too much of an old-timer on this issue? There wasn't a day when my mom had to find me and tell me to be in by sunset.  What is happening to the youth?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Busy Weekend

So this is possibly the busiest weekend I have had in a while...Hence the title of this blog... Tomorrow night The Wolf and the Wolverine are playing at 10pm at Blackthorn and after promoting since early January I hope to see a bunch of friendly faces out there.  I have purchased new sound equipment to prepare for the spring show dates and it should sound pretty amazing with the new sub and keyboard amp.  Did I mention my whole family will be at this event? haha it will definitely be something worth remembering... This Saturday is the Joplin Addy's, which I am super stoked about.  I have volunteered to help set up and this all starts at 9 am Saturday.  The event is later that night at 6 and the whole family is attending this as well... Pretty intense family weekend if I don't say so my self.  First time to see my mom and dad in the same room since I was 15, it should be grrreeeattt.  I'm thinking Sunday will be a collapse on the floor and wonder what happened kind of day.  I'm sure that won't happen, it's Teresa's day off and I'm sure we have something in the books to do.  It should be eventful and If you are in the Joplin area I hope that I see you tomorrow at Blackthorn in Joplin at 10pm.  Bring your friends, heck bring a baby wolf and I'll take care of cover.  That would be awesome, I'll consider a wild badger or some frisky rodent/cat/dog conglomeration as long as you dress up as its counter part or something...we'll make it work.

as always feel free to head to or to find Free music and info on what is going on lately.  This spring should get booked up so I hope to see you all soon.

Keep on Keepin' on peeps of Bloggersville.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Log Cabin: Tutorials annnnddd GO!

Decisions, decisions...I am finally starting my senior project which will conclude my degree in May! I'll be almost 24 years young and ready to get the heck outta school.  But in the mean time I have this  tutorial based website to bust out.  What to start with though is the hardest thing for me.  My check list starts with some easy HTML and CSS tutorials to place on there, then to Javascript, HTML5 animations, jquery, mobile responsive design, and a wordpress plug-in that will just be a gallery of some sort...I have three months to slam this together but have no worries since I'm only taking around 12 credit hours and don't have a car for only poison is Facebook and this blog but I think I might be able to manage oh and music of {sad self promotion}. while I'm at it...mmm Dr. Pepper is the best, and don't forget Sour Patch I get paid for endorsement for this? anyways.... I want to create a Javascript Calculator and am searching through the webs trying to find a decent tutorial to get this done...I want it to be good looking to, like digital looking or something.  I have a long road and a lot of ambitious ideas with the time as my devil and procrastination as his advocate.  I got a decent idea on the logo and sections but I think the logo may be a bit "kiddish" since this is the first time that I have created a type by hand and scanned in... basically my drawing skills compare to my reading level somewhere around 5 and 6th grade depending if it involves dinosaurs or space.  I contacted today to get my super dooper discount for being a student...a whopping 9 dollars compared to the 50 to go through their site and learn web yes I am taking tutorials to put tutorials on my site but one must learn some how.  Definitely check them out though if you're interested in web stuff and have a nack...knack? for learning on your own with videos and such. You get badges for completing tasks and after signing up I saw some thing about how if you finish sections you get placed in a pool to be hired by great web-based companies like Facebook, google and a bunch of other start up companies. WOOT!

Tomorrow is going to be a CSS kinda day I think.

By the way Joplin ADDY's are coming up here in 2 weeks. #stoked.

It says to dress in the period, not sure what that means but I'm sure my suspenders and top hat will be just fine.

JCP new logo #cheap

AMRRCA! ha Check out JCP next rendition of their logo....goes pretty well with their new motto of no more coupons just everyday savings...sound familiar...*coughWALMART*cough.... Well if anything shows proof that not only their clothes are cheaper it's their logo.  I could see how this would work for awhile but in the long run I could see this becoming the "Walmart" of clothing stores, leading to vendors leaving due to the cheap reputation.  Hmm what do I know though..  This logo looks like retail trying to meet the core of The amount of dead space is redunk,  whats more important jcp or the Tetris piece that takes up 3/4 of the real estate...Time will tell if they meet in the middle to join hands in holy matrimony. 

jcp attempt at new branding to match their new low prices.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super bowl Ads and rants

Ah! The Super Bowl is tomorrow but I'm not into sports...well watching them anyways.  Who do you think is going to present the best ads? I hope its not Burger King, that place has been basically kicked outta my town and I hate their burgers, what a weird excuse to burn something...oh but its flame broiled? Gross.  Nothing better than burnt fast food...  Anyways it's gotta be a car commercial or something but wouldn't it be great if it was some new Apple product like Apple TV or something that would again rule the tech world.  I'm kinda tired of these Insurance and car ads.  Frankly I own neither one and don't plan on it.  They aren't fun and cost more than the benefits.  So lets hopefully place some ads of some fun new exciting products.  This leads to me thinking that there should be guy stores in the mall...I'm tired of hanging out with my gf wondering around looking at girl stores when if there were some interesting guy stores it would be a little more enjoyable.  Sure I'm from a small town but our mall is the epicenter of the town so it is comparable to bigger city malls.  I've been to bigger cities malls and there isn't much retail stores for guys with my interest unless its an Apple store the only thing close are those stupid stores that sell you the massage chair that is also a iPod charger that is also a TV that is also a potato chip maker.  Its fun to go in there once or twice to make fun of but i couldn't imagine paying 84.95 for an automatic back scratcher.  Enough of my rants and to all a good night. Woot to football!

Thursday, February 2, 2012