Sunday, October 21, 2012


Don't really dig that they used "Lobster" as their font but hey its FREE!.

So just this week I found out about Codecademy a FREE...ok FREEEEE online learning source where you can sit down and learn Javascript and other programming languages in the matter of minutes.  When you first visit the site it literally gets you sucked in by telling you what to do to output some programming code.  I was tempted and started digging in.  After about an hour I found that I had completed 3 sections of Javascript and was waiting to get a "Want to learn more? Subsribe and pay $30.00" but no never happened.  I made an account and continued to dig deeper.  Now after 3 days I can finally say that I can execute some javascript code by hand with no help.  I always found it hard to get into a new language because you don't really understand what you are going to be using it for.  They always say if you want to learn javascript to build a bingo card or a calendar but that never impressed me.  Through Codecademy you start out small and by the end of it you create a black jack game.  That is way cooler than a calendar.  They also have Ruby, Python and a whole section on how to incorporate Javascript in to your websites.  Honestly can't wait to stop just reading javascript and actually write it from scratch.  Anyways if I have convinced you the slightest to check it out, stop by create an account and start gaining some badges.

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