Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A look at: Adobe Edge

Who said Powerpoint couldn't be an online tool?

So I woke up today and stumbled on Adobe's test product Edge...It came out in August and there have been a couple updates since its debut.  I saw it today and initially had mixed feelings about the product.  I like most web designers loath Dreamweaver and thought  this would be another wack at it.  It makes sense for Adobe to create something like this with Flash at Checkmate there has to be another solution for animation freaks that want to incorporate CSS3, HTML5 and Javascript without having to get under the hood and be so-to-speak "Artsy".  I get it, I am with you on that.  I'd much rather spit out ideas quick than sit and debug CSS, but there is a point when you loose aspect of whats really going on and Web standards get smashed for a little ease in development.  Right now Adobe's Edge has a long way to go as far as their development.  As of now its a little sketchy especially for us "Artsy" people.  There isn't much design you can really get a way with, without loosing your mind separating thousands of DIVS (aka Layers... in Edge) for the sake of animation.  I can see how animation can help Advertising but if you think you can create a whole website out of this...Think again.  Not that you can't but really how amazing are 100% Flash sites...They are aggravating at its best and the next time I have to wait and watch a status bar to view a site I'll load my way out and find my interests elsewhere.  I created a quick banner using their test program to see what it was all about.  I will give them that they make one step up from flash.  Its easier to manage animations/Javascript.  I hate Flash and was able to create this POS in 10 minutes.  #patonmyback. Anyways if you are a die hard print designer that feels the need to get stuff online I'm sure you can use this to make obnoxious transitions and enough fly-throughs for any Powerpoint lover.  Enjoy but I'll keep to my friend Text-mate. Oh and don't try to edit the javaScript files if you so much as miss a ();} it automatically reloads in Edge throws up an error and the program closes..SUPER.

Here's the link to my trial with Edge. NOM, NOM, NOM, BABIES ...forgot where i saw that, it was funny though. ENJOY

hahah DON"T TOUCH...WTH?

Hey! That's a lot of Javascript...what if i disable it?...oh it doesn't work?

HTML5....where? oh the DOCTYPE...gotcha

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