Monday, January 2, 2012


So I read everywhere that Web Designers only need to know HTML and CSS and to understand Javascript. I want to find a job where that is possible. Ha. From my understanding so far its Hey do this make it happen or we'll find someone else. Sure you can find help but when are you finding so much help that you end up ousting yourself from the job? I can see the dream job of Designing and applying CSS but to me regular business owners don't even know what HTML is. I heard a story of some one not getting hired because they needed some one that does graphic design and have the ability to create an online store. Um...really? I mean that's what I'm striving for here but I would hope to be paid 10 figures to be the only one on staff to be your online presence and marketing. SEO, security, and databases to control would be crazy enough let alone creating graphics, personality, and branding to your company. Geez. I like to believe that I stress myself out way too much and that when I do search the market for a job it will be as easy as Writing some HTML, CSS and designing what I can, but I just don't see it. I've been digging into JQUERY lately and it seems likely that I'll eventually be able to at least understand it. Being able to use some advanced logic to write an online program might be on schedule in 10 years but I'll take it one step at a time. I'm treating my blog as a personal journal and not sure if thats what I'm wanting but if you found yourself here for what ever reason take one thing from this whole paragraph especially if you love Web Design like me. Keep with it. Living in the Midwest I feel alone a lot of the time when it comes to this subject but I know there are a ton of people out there that are waking up everyday learning something new and struggling just as much, but it's still bothersome at some point when I have no reference as to when enough is enough to get a job right out of college. Especially since my eyes are to the coastal areas. My degree isn't really even in Web Design/computer Science so I know there are a ton of people with one leg up on me, but I'm going to blind that out for a while as I sit in my room and blast out some logic for the next semester.

Enjoy your day/night

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